Friday, 11 March 2016

World Book Night 2016 - Giveaway! (giveaway now closed!)

World Book Night, an annual charity-led literacy event aimed at non-reader / occasional reader adults and teenagers, with the hope of encouraging those who don't read or can't afford books to pick something up, by giving books away for free.

Last year, I was selected as a chosen volunteer, meaning that I was allocated a box of books for free, to distribute in my area to those who may want that encouragement to pick up a book. I liked being a volunteer but had a bit of trouble getting others into the spirit of the night, but never mind! Unfortunately, this year, due to rising costs, there were less books for distribution than on previous years, and I was not selected to be a world book night volunteer.  Here at Bookshany, not being given a box of books to distribute doesn't matter!

So here's the deal!
If you would like a book from the list below, for free* [ free to UK residents, for a donation towards p&p rest of the world... Can't afford full airmail costs at this time ]
Comment with your preferred book [Main choice and a second choice in case several people ask for the same book], and an email address where you can be reached for a postal address. No junk mail will be sent to you.  If you are chosen as a winner, I will be in touch on April 14th, so that your book will be with you by World Book Night, on April 23rd.

The List [Choose one main choice, and one second choice]

For Fans of Comedy:
Mock The Week's Only Book You'll Ever Need

For Fans of Sci-Fi:
The Liberty Gun - Martin Sketchley

For Fans of Manga :
I-Doll vol 2 - tokyo pop
I Wish vol 2 - tokyo pop
Mail Order Ninja vol 2
Dark Prince [not suitable for under 18's due to sexual content/ yaoi themes]
Arm of Kannon vol 2 [not suitable for under 18's due to graphic images/gore] - tokyo pop

For Fans of Historical Lit:
Courtesans - Katie Hickman [nb this is historical /non fiction orientated]

For Fans of Angel:
Angel - Image [TV tie-in novel] - Mel Odom

For Fans of Womens Lit:
A Crowded Marriage - Catherine Alliott
The Godmother - Carrie Adams

- All books are in new or very good condition -

Good Luck!


  1. Mock The Week's Only Book You'll Ever Need

    Angel - Image [TV tie-in novel] - Mel Odom

    1. Can't send you a book if you don't leave an email address where you can be reached.

  2. 1st choice: The Liberty Gun - Martin Sketchley
    2nd choice: Courtesans - Katie Hickman

    Thank you

  3. 1
    Angel - Image [TV tie-in novel] - Mel Odom
    A Crowded Marriage - Catherine Alliott
    i would love to receive a book.
    i only found out about world book night last year after it had happend sadly so i missed an even near myself, but am looking forward to this years events, good luck everyone and the right words can turn your day around :)

  4. 1st The Godmother
    2nd A Crowded Marriage


  5. 1
    Dark Prince
    Arm of Kannon vol 2


  6. Either one of the women's lit please

  7. Have you any books left to distribute? I'd love one and don't mind at all which one - I like surprises!

  8. 1st. A Crowded Marriage - Catherine Alliott
    2nd. The Godmother - Carrie Adams

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I would love a copy of any of the manga titles please!!

  11. Any of the manga titles please!

  12. What book did you give away last year? And what was your (unsuccessful) pick for this year?

    1. Last year's book was Dead Man Talking, of which I was awarded 18 copies. This year's title, had I been successful would have been Shadow and Bone. Thanks for asking!

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. A Crowded Marriage
    The Godmother

    I looked for a local event but couldn't see one. Thank you for this opportunity.

  15. 1 Th Liberty Gun
    2 Courtesans.
    Happy world book night and goo luck everyone!


Get in touch if you would like to contribute to Bookshany, send your thoughts, comments or suggestions!